About Idle Hands

I enjoy several blogs, most of which are written by knitters, with a crocheter and a couple others thrown in for variety. As a result, a blog of my own seemed a great venture. I haven’t always been consistent about my writing, but I hope to do better.
As I was trying to decide what to name my “new” business back in 2008 (selling crochet items), my husband suggested “Idle Hands” and I immediately fell in love with it. Since my hands are seldom idle, as I knit or crochet most of the day, it seemed “Idle Hands” had a great ironic twist to it.
‘Hands often represent action, but idle hands are hands that are not acting; they are waiting and looking for something to do. "Idle hands are the devil's tools" says that when people are idle they will find things to do which they should not do. Example: "I'd like you to keep the kids very busy while we are gone; they get into trouble easily and idle hands are the devil's tools."’ http://www.goenglish.com/idlehandsarethedevilstools.asp
Now it is 2011, and I am thinking about “new beginnings”. My confirmation verse was II Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come,” and with it, the symbol of the butterfly newly emerged from its chrysalis. This was the inspiration for a new business name and logo: 

I now offer knit and crochet classes and items made to order.  You can contact me via email at idlehands1969 (at) gmail (d0t) com.